• Amborum Special F (130ml)

Millions around the world suffer from asthma, bronchitis, hay fever, allergies, and other lung/bronchial related diseases. Most remedies that are currently offered for these diseases only provide temporary or partial relief of the symptoms that usually accompany these diseases such as difficulty in breathing, coughing, sneezing, watery and/or scratchy eyes, wheezing, and nasal congestion. Also, many drugs often have undesirable side effects.

Asthma, bronchitis, and other atopic (allergy related) disorders usually result from autoimmune reactions (one’s own body fighting itself) within one own body.  The main active ingredient in Amborum is the tiny amount of Indian Gold Ash.  Gold has been used for years for its anti-inflammatory properties.  Kings and Royal Families in ancient India used “edible” gold foil/flakes as a delicacy and for its healing properties.  Amborum Special F is a sweet, pleasant tasting syrup. The major ingredient is wildflower bee honey.  All of the therapeutic ingredients are natural herbs from the rainforests of the tiny island of Sri Lanka.

Most of the people who have used Amborum Special F state that it provides lasting relief to all of the symptoms above. Dr. P.M. Sarathchandra founded Amborum Special F in 1958. Since then, people throughout the world have used it with great success. Most people report noticing positive results even after the very first dose.

For one dose, one mixes 10 to 20 drops (varies per person) with 2 tablespoons of water. The amount taken is very small compared to some drugs that require people to take upwards of 5 pills per dose or harsh inhalers. One bottle of Amborum Special F is 100ml and lasts for about 1 to 2 months or longer!

Some of the rare herbs used in Amborum Special F:

  1. Acalypha Indica: Different parts of this herb have different properties. The root acts like a natural expectorant, to help clear sputum and chest congestion. The plant and leaves have natural antibacterial properties, so it acts as a natural antibiotic.
  2. Grindelia Robusta: This ancient herb is effective for helping stop spasms of the lungs (bronchospasms). Bronchospasms one of the main things that happen with the lung that result in asthma exacerbations. Grindelia Robusta is excellent in fighting against bronchospasms. It has been used in Ayurvedic medicines for asthma, chronic bronchitis, and hay fever for years.

Amborum Special F (130ml)

  • Product Code: Amborum Special F (130ml)
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $100.00

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